Transportation Supervisor ERF-2023-00090

The role of Transportation Supervisor is to be responsible for all day to day activities related to transportation and to ensure the safety of the vehicles and employees. Making sure that all vehicles are working in safe order and have schedules that allow all trips to be efficient and quick. The Transportation Supervisor should follow the below objectives to ensure the vehicles are in safe condition and meet all the legal requirements.

Make transportation schedules efficient and accurate, by reducing transit time by 10% through improved routing, scheduling and travel time
Ensure effective communication with the General Service Manager and staff, to keep them informed of all activities within the team.
To make sure all the vehicles are in 100% working condition and running smoothly by creating an effective and sufficient vehicle inspection.
To Implement TRACCAR software, Vehicle Tracking system to both Buses and commercial vehicles
Coordinate and help GS Supervisor with scheduling and organizing tasks for each driver or new hire.
Take all information from Google drive & implement it 100% info in Google drive must be implemented in ERPnext & Google data
Develop partnerships with other Transp. companies to share transportation resources and to reduce costs by 10% and to meet companies budget
